Here is what Michele has to say about her bag:"I even used a scrap practice piece...the appliqued heart..that I was testing thread tension on. The meandering on it was awful! All it was, or was meant to be was a thread tester! But an orphan is an orphan and needs to be loved. So, I grabbed it and put her on the front of the bag and loved her anyway! The rest are the odds and ends leftover from my own Orphan Train quilt."

Since Michele has been in the Land of Insomia lately, she read it pretty much all at one sitting...*S* She wrote a lovely report of the book and you can read that at her blog. She felt a bag made from her bits of leftover orphans was needed before it left Oregon.The book is now traveling to Jeanne.Carol E's idea is for the book to travel to as many of the Orphan Train volunteers(those who are working with their orphan blocks and get published here)as possible. I love Carol's idea. I had included a newspaper clipping from Carol E's St. Paul, MN newspaper regarding the reunion of Orphan Train riders from Minnesota. They had their reunion this past summer. If Google Orphan Train you will find lots of information including history, pictures, and a list of nation wide reunions of those children who rode those trains west. Of the over 300,000, only a small number are still alive today. It all happened between the 1850's and the early 1900's.
If you are interested in the book, click on the Crocus Hills link up on my side bar under Special Connections. It was written by the granddaughter of Marjorie.
Michele chose to add the travel bag to the 'trip' the book is taking. If you have something appropiate or meanful, please feel free to include it when you send the book onward.
Postage to where ever you send it is up to each individual. If you have no one to send it onward to, please contact Carol E. and return the book to her. Hugs for everyone, Finn
Oooooh, I didn't know about the bag! I'm looking forward to the book, and now I'll get to enjoy the bag, too.
Jeanne :)
Now isn't that a nifty idea? A traveling book and now a bag for it to travel in, too.
I love that the book is traveling! I want to be on the list too! I hope each person is signing and dating it to leave a piece of themselves. Or maybe each person should include a block. Leave it to me to sprout ideas. Such fun!
Oh, I must get my Florida orphans out and get started. I've been stalled way too long. Such wonderful ideas.
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