are todays special feature...

Awfully nice looking orphans, aren't they???? *VBS* But they must not have worked for
RoseMarie's intended purpose at the time she made them. Here's what she has to say about them:"What became an orphan block, has resulted in a tote bag. This block was first intended to become a jacket but ended up in my orphan bin instead. Also in the bin, was a pack of rail fence blocks and I just cut them up into 1-1/2” strips. Only the portion of the trees (see the blocked out area) was used for the bag and the remainder will be made into something else one day …. perhaps another tote bag."

Here's what she made using them *VBS*

And her creative use of some of them on the back. Great looking tote RoseMarie....I love it! Thanks for sharing!
These blocks made a great looking bag. Now I want to look at my orphans for candidates for bags.
That's a beautiful bag! I love the quilting on it, and the button closure. Everything.. great idea. I'm really enjoying this blog, Finn. It is inspirational to see how people use orphan blocks. Thanks for helping us along.
The bag is truly gorgeous.And it is a clever use of orphan blocks.I have challenged my South African quilt group to consider using up their orphans. Started mine AGAIN. Hope to get complete. Thanks for the motivation. Colleen
Leaving a comment here, Finn, because I've learned many of the emails I'm sending are getting lost somewhere in cyberspace. You may absolutely steal the pictures of my two quilts for posting here. I'd be honored!
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